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Day Trip to Favignana, Sicily’s Own Carribbean

Trapani to Favignana - a day trip to Sicily's own Caribbean. The crystal clear azure ocean here is possibly the most exotic in europe! A little gem in Sicily! Cala Rossa beach in particular is absolutely stunning! Check out these beautiful Sicilia beaches by hiring a bike and exploring this island in Italy. #sicily #favignana #italy #calarossa #beaches #exoticbeaches #beautifulbeaches #sicilia
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Favignana in Sicily, a little gem of an island just off the coast of Trapani, has been compared to the Caribbean and with good reason.  Part of the Egadi archipelago, the water here is crystal clear and bright blue, it’s possibly the most exotic seascape you will find in Europe! The good news is that a day trip from Trapani to Favignana in Sicily is super easy and accessible.

If you are seeking peace and quiet, you may think to relocate from Trapani to Favignana for a few days serenity. But for most, a day trip to Favignana is all you need. The island is small – 14 square miles – and a day is the perfect amount of time to get a really good feel for the place and to visit as many of the beautiful beaches and landmarks in Favignana as possible.

Getting from Trapani to Favignana, Sicily

Getting from Trapani to Favignana in Sicily is super easy. Just make your way to the port and there is a hut there for ‘Liberty Lines’ ferries. You can book your ticket here and there is no need to pre-book. I bought mine at 9 am in April. You may wish to turn up a little earlier or book the night before if you are here in peak season as I suspect it will be busier.

Favignana, Sicily Calla Rossa beach

You will need to choose your return ferry time in advance. I took the 9.40 AM ferry from Trapani to Favignana and then booked a return from Favignana to Trapani at 17.20 PM – this felt like adequate time to explore the island. The ferry itself takes 30 minutes each way.

Getting around Favignana Island, Sicily

Since Favignana is so small, there are very few cars on the roads. Whilst you can rent a car to get about, really there is no need. A much nicer way to travel is my bike or moped. I went somewhere in between and hired a bike with a motor. I’d never tried one of these before and it was so much fun! You can really gather some speed and the feeling of cycling at high speed, overtaking the regular bikes with the wind rushing through your hair, is just amazing! I was sorry to hand my bike back at the end of the day!

favignana, siicly - bike propped up against a post overlooking the bright blue water

Whilst the island is not especially hilly and you don’t necessarily need a motorised bike, I would recommend paying the extra as the additional speed will allow you to get about faster. Therefore you will be able to tick more places off your Favignana bucket list in one day.

To hire a regular bike it costs €5/ day

To hire a motorised bike it €15/ day

To hire a scooter it costs approx €20 / day

(prices as of April 2018)

me riding a bike in favignana sicily

If there is a group of you, there are also opportunities to hire a boat or even take an organised sailing trip. Personally, I recommend the bike option as it will give you the most choice and flexibility.

Whilst I did also see people walking between each beach, I do not recommend this. It is a small island but perhaps not small enough to do it justice in one day on foot!

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Finding your way around Favignana Island

Firstly, pick up a map when you first get off the boat or get one from your bike hire shop. But please note, whilst a map is useful, they are not very accurate! Do not rely solely on them! If your first stop is Calla Rossa (see below) then you’ll find it well signposted. Head out of town keeping the ocean on your left and follow signs – you’ll find it easily.

Favignana, Sicily Calla Rossa beach

Admittedly the signs after Calla Rossa get a little less reliable but in general, if you hug the coast, you should get to see the main beaches. Most of the highlights of the island are on the east side. With one day, it is best to stick to the East and you can reach the port again by cutting through the middle, keeping the hills to your left. I’d given up on the map at this point but I was able to easily work out where I was meant to go by looking at the landscape!

Where to visit on Favignana, Sicily

Calla Rossa

The most famous bay on the island and it’s easy to see why it’s so popular! Never before have I seen an ocean that blue! It reminded me of the glacial lakes in New Zealand which are made bright blue by the mineral fragments reflecting light.

The coral makes pretty patterns in the seascape and the water looks so inviting. I only wish I could have taken a swim but carrying all my camera gear and travelling solo made that tricky!

Favignana, Sicily Calla Rossa beach

Not only was the ocean incredibly pretty, but the landscape surrounding was also pretty incredible. Soft limestone rocks eroded away and also used for making stone bricks for building, the rocky scenery is nothing short of impressive. You will find huge towers of eroded rocks and caves to hide from the heat.

Favignana, Sicily Calla Rossa beach

Bue Marino

Just as spectacular as Calla Rossa, these were my two favourite places on the Island. The ocean is here is just incredible. Looking down on it the colours vary from the deepest navy to the palest aqua. Whilst there is no beach as such, it is still a popular swimming location and you can see why!

Favignana, Sicily bue marino beach

You’ll also find some interesting caves here. Use them to cool off if you are visiting in the middle of summer!

Calla Azzura

There is a proper beach somewhere around here but I struggled to find it. But what I did find was a dramatic scene of yet more multicoloured azure waters lapping against a red sandstone rugged coastline.

calla azzura favignana sicily


La Costa Cafe

Whilst you’ll find the occasional beach restaurant, none are so nice as La Costa which I stumbled upon mid-route to Lido Burrone. I contemplated carrying on but am so glad I decided not to. It was a much nicer place for lunch! Whilst there’s no beach here and the landscape is pretty rugged, there are plenty of spaces to relax with day beds and deck chairs.

The outdoor bar and cafe serves a basic selection of sandwiches or salads but also serves an array of cocktails. I settled for some prosecco instead and then found myself wondering what the rules are about drinking and electric bikes!

Lido Barrone

This for me was the least spectacular of the beaches I visited. However, it is probably the most easily accessible with shallow water so it seems to be the most family friendly. There are a couple of bar/restaurants but I still prefer La Costa Cafe above!

lido barrone beach favignana sicily


Not a beach so much as just a really pretty view across the speckled ocean to the hills. In April, wildflowers were blooming which framed this lovely scene.

Visiting Favignana Town

Don’t miss out Favignana town itself – a typical Sicilian town. I enjoyed cycling leisurely around its quiet back alleys getting some insight into the non-touristy side of life on Favignana, Sicily. I did eventually stumble on the main street which was much busier by comparison and there were several bars and restaurants.

Up until this point, Favignana had seemed so quiet I found myself wondering if anyone was actually living here!

Finally, make your way back to the port, nab yourself an ice cream and then wander along the jetty watching the fishermen at work. They were kind, allowing me to take photos and film them working – but please ask permission first! It’s then time to hop on the ferry from Favignana to Trapani on the mainland of Sicily!

Have you taken a day trip from Trapani to Favignana, Sicily? I’d love to know what you thought! Where else have you been that has an ocean like this? Can you see the similarity with the Caribbean? As always, I love hearing from you so pop a comment below!

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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Portia Jones

    OMG how is this Italy? It looks so tropical! I love the look of Bue Marino, what a stunning place! Love this article I really want to go now. xx

    1. theglobetrottergp

      Italy is absolutely amazing! Oh my god the FOOD! Bue Marino was one of my favourites. The caves were pretty awesome too!
      You should definitely go! It’s easy to get to from Sicily and flights to Sicily from uk are very reasonable!

  2. Petro

    I am currently in Europe and really craving the Caribbean… what is the surf like here? Everyone keeps telling me to go now to Southern Europe before all the tourists show up.

    1. theglobetrottergp

      Not 100%sure about the surf however the weather here in April is perfect and it’s fairly quiet!

  3. Kasey

    Love this post!! I’ve been living in Sicily for 18 months, but still haven’t made it to the west coast. I’m dying to see Favignana and Trapani! Glad you had a great time ?

    1. theglobetrottergp

      I think it was my favourite place so far! Up there with Taormina at least!

  4. Julianna

    That looks gorgeous! Always wonderful fo find out about some short haul destinations!

  5. deniz

    Hi, I’ve started to read your Sicilian road trip tips, as we want to go to Sicily by our car from Turkey (my country) this summer. I want to ask, for instance, to go to Favignana from somewhere we stay, of course we need to leave our car for maybe more than 1 day in a parking space, so how did you plan your Favignana trip without your car, did you leave your car in a safe spot before ferry?

    Thanks for all the information you include, great blog!

    Hugs from Istanbul.

    1. theglobetrottergp

      There was a long stay car park where I left my car for a few days. It was very central. A good tip would be to buy a local newspaper in italian to leave on the passenger seat of the car. It suggests its not a hire car and less likely to have luggage in it. Have a fab time!

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